Howardism Musings from my Awakening Dementia
My collected thoughts flamed by hubris
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Purposely stumbled onto your website… enjoyed reading your musings. In particular, your "Intriguing Picture" made me pause. Amazing how a few words read at the right moment in time can illicit a deeply emotional reaction.


Intriguing Picture

I don't often post pictures on my website, and even less of my family, but this picture was just intriguing to me. First, this is the odd contrast between the huge ball and my smaller daughter. Then you notice the poor dog wanting to go outside, but stuck inside the glass. Then you notice that while it is summer, my boy is wearing rain boots on the deck.

At this stage, my home is paradise… even an Eden. A place where my kids don't have to worry about the hell that swirls about the world. A place where I get to (sometimes) forget about the hell. They'll learn about all that all too soon, and I will have to remember as well, but right now, summer is endless.

I'm not exactly sure where this comes from, but I've heard others recite similar feelings-- that whenever life is good, I've always felt like I should be on my guard, for the bad won't be too far behind. While the validity of such a statement may actually be true (everyone's life runs in cycles), it has a terrible attitude of ruining the moment. One's life then becomes a series of "downs" followed not by "ups", but by moments of "fear". Life is wonderful at each moment, and its a shame I have to remind myself of that.

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