Creative Commons Licensing
Well, I changed my mind. I've relaxed my copyright licensing for the
original content on my website and placed it under a Creative Commons
license model. Why?
Well, it isn't that I have something to prove… it just started out that I
felt that if I ever came up with something on my website that was so
phenomenal that I'd like to take credit… ok, it really is all about
egotism. But we've all read Ayn Rand, and we all feel like that's not
necessarily bad, right?
But my egotism shouldn't stop people from making comments or quoting my
site-- just the opposite. Such references would fluff my ego. So, I decided
to alter my copyright notice (which would have still allowed people to
comment, quote and link to my site) and instead I ammended it with the
Attribution Creative Commons License.
What this means is that anyone can copy, distribute, and display my
copyrighted work-- and derivative works based upon it-- but only if they
give me credit. This even includes work done with commercial purposes.
So, if I just happen to have some fabulous thought-- I know, I know, fat
chance, but if I do, and you want to use it, go ahead. Not only will I not
mind, I'll appreciate that. But just make a note that I wrote it, and let
me know. I'd love to see it.
The Commons
I've had an interest in the concept of the commons for a few
years… If you've never heard the term, it refers to what we all share as
common, like air and city parks. No one should own or abuse this area.
Granted, there is a lot of controversy over what is common-- should
drinkable water be common? I think so, but this may not always be the case
all over the world.
But there is also stories, art and cultural things that are also held in
common by us, and just like city parks, this "creative commons" need to
enhanced with new flowers and trees. Now with the copyright laws extending
for a few thousand years past the authors death, it is nice when an artist
places her work in the commons sooner. It essentially enhances our culture.
No, I'm not so full of myself as to think that my work on this website
would actually improve our culture, but in a way, it does. Culture
isn't just made from symphonies and "Mona Lisas" … it is made from pop
songs and billboard ads as well.
And yes, I do feel that each person should extend our global culture by
expressing himself or herself on a personal website. For better or worse.
Perhaps some brilliant idea will be sparked in someone by coming to this
site… who am I to interfer with that? So consider this author's website
not an artistic expression as much as a patronage. 
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