I Made the Switch
I did it. I made the switch … I bought a Macintosh today. Specifically, a
Power G4 with dual 1Gig. I upgraded the memory and the hard drive (they had
some specials), and now I am waiting for it to ship. I suppose I could have
gone down to a store to pick it up, but since my basement isn't completely
finished yet, I figured that I could wait a few days.
Why did a die-hard Linux fan make a switch? Well, OS X was a compeling case
… it runs BSD (which I like plenty fine), and I won't have to switch to
Windows in order to edit my home videos. Point blank, I would probably stay
with Linux except for the video editing. But the clincher was the Fink Project
to port all my favorite software over to run natively on the Mac.
So, I will probably be making more posts on my response to making this
transition … Can I get used to that bulbous Aqua theme? Can I get used to
the menus at the top of the screen? (I suppose it is more efficient in
screen-estate) … How quickly can I get rid of IE and replace it with
Update 1
Well, like many others, I am just in love with this new Mac. The bulbous Aqua
interface is actually very clean and nice looking. I'm even getting used to
the menus at the top of the screen. And now that I've seen all that this
"Dock" can do, I really like it.
The hardware is very well-thought out. For instance, I needed to add some
memory, and grabbed my screw drivers and then realized that there was a
latch. Opening the latch brought the computer out of the box, so
that instead of trying to fit the card while working inside this "computer
bucket," the motherboard was just there, making installation
The software programs are also well thought out. I put in a favorite CD,
and this music player popped up and started playing. I noticed a little
"Import" button, and clicking on this ripped the CD and stored it as MP3
files on my harddrive … while playing still playing the CD. That was just
too easy.
And Unix? Lovely. I found the "Terminal" program and thought I would shoot
for the stars, I typed: emacs
… Sure enough, they included
Emacs. I'm in love now! I don't care whether you are a geek or not, this is
a nice machine.
Update 2
I did it again… I upgraded to a MacPro, and I feel like making ape
noises ala Tim Allen. This puppy screams. The application that I live in
every day is Eclipse and sometimes, just for fun, I'll restart it just
because it starts up so fast on my Mac. This is never something I would
do on my Windows box at the office, because it literally takes 5 minutes
to start.
Intel obviously tuned these Xeon chips for Apple, and Apple in turn, tuned
their OS to work well on the chips… and I wouldn't be surprised if they've
been tuning their Java implementation, because every Java app I've run,
executes so fast.
Even though I'm quite the geek, I only upgrade my home system once every 4
to 5 years, so I wanted to try to get something that doesn't make that last
year or so painful. And since I'm now such a Mac fan, when I upgraded this time,
I really pimped out this ride. I even picked up one of their 23" monitors.
Ahwooo! Ahwoo!
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