Howardism Musings from my Awakening Dementia
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Eclipse Text Replacement

Often, when you are working with some code, you'll have a snippet that is the same, but needs to be changed slightly. My latest Grails project automatically creates a lot of scaffolding files, but those files need to be changed.

For instance:

def productionComplete = {
  boolean complete = params.doneProduction
  def yearlyData = getCurrentYearlyData()
  yearlyData.doneProduction = complete

Now, I need the exact same thing, but the production parts need to be energy and whatnot. But a straight-forward search and replace leaves you with:

def energyComplete =
  boolean complete = params.doneenergy   // Ack! This should be doneEnergy
  def yearlyData = getCurrentYearlyData()
  yearlyData.doneenergy = complete

With Eclipse (and some other editors), do a regular expression search and replace, and put a \C in front of the letters that should maintain their capitalization:

Screenshot from Eclipse

Which allows you to quickly hit the Replace/Find button a few times to get:

def energyComplete =
  boolean complete = params.doneEnergy
  def yearlyData = getCurrentYearlyData()
  yearlyData.doneEnergy = complete
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