Sidewalk Messages
At breakfast the other morning, a friend mentioned a quote (perhaps a bumper
sticker) that he heard that really stuck with me.
So, I had to inscribe it in chalk on my cement in front of my home:
Fear cannot run this country
When my sister came by this afternoon and saw my message, she mentioned
another one that she had heard … which soon after ended up on another
sidewalk up the street from me:
If you can read this, you're not the President.
I need some more, since when the rainy season descends, I'll get to replace
these messages regularly. I was reading about the RNC protests in NYC in
the Utne Reader, and got these:
Bush did what Osama could not. He united the world against us
Dick Cheney before Cheney dicks you.
Draft the Bush twins
Would Jesus strike 'preemptively?' NO!
Republicans cause cancer
Halliburton Über Alles
Stop Mad Cowboy Disease
Emissions Accomplished
If you have some more fodder for my exercise of my Free Speech rights
(which will probably be taken away here if things don't change)… leave me
a comment. Thanks.
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